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West Ottawa Basketball Association


The "Parent Team" is a very important part of each and every West Ottawa Basketball Association team!
We thank all parents, guardians, family members and friends for your dedication to and support of the players, coaches, referees and our club.

Thank you for the hours that you spend in the car driving to practices & competitions.
Thank you for washing loads of disgustingly sweaty laundry.
Thank you for giving up your evenings & weekends.
Thank you for giving up time that you could have used for your own interests.
Thank you for spending your hard-earned money on your player’s dreams.
Thank you for loving your player whether they won or lost.
Thank you for managing schedules so that your player is always where they need to be.
Thank you for being brave in the face of injuries & setbacks.
Thank you for your patience when practice runs long.
Thank you for showing up to games, even when you are too nervous to actually watch.
Thank you for encouraging your player to keep going when they needed the extra push.
Thank you for trusting your player’s coaches and your player themselves.
Thank you for caring about your player’s happiness & well-being.
Thank you for believing in your player.

And ultimately… THANK YOU for your constant support!

West Ottawa Hornets U19 Team Win Bronze In Div 1!


West Ottawa Hornets U19 Team Bring Home The Silver Trophy From IEM Tournament!


West Ottawa Hornets U14 Girls Bring Home Gold!


West Ottawa Hornets U12 Boys Team Win Gold at the EOBA Championships!
